


  • Alwar, Rajasthan
1. MyTokri is one of the top online shopping deals portals in India.
2. We provide some of the hottest selling merchandise and render tempting and cash efficient deals on the same.
3. We procure thousands of deals with roughly over 200 retail merchants to furnish some of the best shopping plans each day.
4. The deals on display are at par with the GOSF-Great Online Shopping Festival. Yes, we maximize our efforts to get you the customer, the best “Value for Money” offer.
5. We take our customer satisfaction and retention policy very seriously and that keeps our team up and moving.
6. MyTokri started as a small entrepreneurial venture on 16th December 2012, engineered by a small team of dedicated young entrepreneurs.
7. The beliefs that clean business acumen and “Customer Interests First” policy will keep us afloat augured well for us.
8. Today, we are a big and growing enterprise with our feet firmly placed in the top online deals ventures.
9. We may be growing but the core ethic remains the same.
10. The zeal to put up best deals is still the premier part of our business plan.
11. We bargain for you.